Loch na Bo Evening Walk

Wednesday, 19th June, 7pm

This year the annual midsummer evening walk took place at Loch na Bo, just south of Lhanbryde. Nineteen members met at the Threaplands garden centre car park at 7pm. We divide into two groups (10 + 9). One group followed the shorter red marked route ( just over an hour and the other the longer yellow route (1 / 2 hours).

It was a cool but pleasant evening, and it did not rain.

Loch na Bo is a manmade loch on the estate belonging to the Tennant family of Innes House. The house by the loch was previously the home of Sir Iain and Lady Margaret Tennant, and is now run as a hospitality venue by their grandchildren. It is a very peaceful spot for an evening walk. The shorter route took us through woodland and extensive stands of rhododendron ponticum, along the side of the loch, We did not see any wildlife but there was plenty of birdsong – blackbirds robins, chiffchaffs and the occasional willow warbler. Chickweed wintergreen (or Arctic Starflower was growing at the side of the path.

Posted in Outdoor Event.